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How the frame detectors work in the subway and railway stations

How the frame detectors work in the subway and railway stations

How the frame detectors work in the subway and railway stations

Metal detectors, simply put, the framework that we see at airports, railway stations and in the subway, can catch any dangerous substances and objects. But still the main thing remains the human factor-only competent specialists will be able to identify the offender in a large stream. Experts have told about principles of work of metal detectors and tasks of employees of public safety.

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Homemade Metal Detector Without Radio

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How to make a metal detector search plate

There are two types of metal detectors on most public transport facilities and buildings in large establishments: the frame (arch) through which the flow of people passes and manual for personal inspection. The very principle of operation of arch and manual detectors is identical. They differ only in the level of sensitivity. And, for example, in case of doubtful result of passing through a frame the representative of protection can additionally scan by a manual device. 


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